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Historical Leyland I

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Worden Park II

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West End

Historical Maps 1250 - 1769

Historical Maps 1771-1840

Historical Maps 1840-1920

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This is Leyland, Lancashire. No of vistors to Date

Welcome to my World Wide Website dedicated to bringing all that is good in Leyland to the World.

This is the small township in which I have chosen to dwell. On the surface Leyland is just an ordinary small Lancashire town. However there are many delights just waiting to be discovered by the discerning visitor

Enter in to Explore these Delights
Within these pages I hope you will learn a little of why I chose to live here. Come in and look around where I hope to be able to share just a little of the town with you. If you like what you see, maybe one day you may think it worth a visit.

Some of the older gravestone of St Andrews Church. The earliest one I have found that is still legible dates back to 1588.
It is William Walker, 'Bachelor of music'. The church warden told me that he was a contempary of William Shakespeare.
There are other connections with Shakespeare that can be found elsewhere within this site

Leyland St Andrews Parish Church overlooking the Market and surrounding areas. This scene is now history. The market has moved to a new site on Hough Lane. This site now hosts the latest Tesco superstore. A very welcome guest for most Leylanders

In the background, Leyland Grammar School, built around 1600

This Website was started on the 17th Sept 2000 and will be updated at regular intervals whenever the opportunity arises.

If you have any comments please e-mail me at:
